Hope Matters

This is a crazy and challenging time we live in, nothing like it in many decades. Hope is needed to navigate this time with; Covid illnesses, vaccine or no vacs, mask or no mask, job termination, small business failings, loss of loved ones, broken relationships,...

“Not a Slave to Fear” Matters

Being a slave to fear is basically being succumb to its terror. It’s being totally focused on its paralyzing effects. Fear can become an idol! Not being a slave to fear is recognizing it’s existence but not being stopped by it with the courage to move on in the midst...

Remembering Matters

It is a good thing to remember God’s faithfulness. They are indicators of more to come. Remembering these moments are pillars we can hold onto in times of difficulty. But how easy is it to forget! We don’t forget the things though that harm us do we? But we surely...

Controlling FEAR Matters

On a recent blog I talked about my struggle to overcome a childhood background laced with fear. The subject is worth talking about because it’s so prevalent in today’s culture. More so since Covid took center stage.  I had the fortunate opportunity of playing MLB in...

Stepping Into Your Legacy Matters

If you have ever been opposed or felt negative influence against you, you’re probably on track to fulfilling your destiny. If one shies away from problems or struggles you probably will not find it! There are spiritual forces fighting against us all the time to not...


  Fear is a great motivator and the opposite of faith. Man uses fear to control and motivate in many unhealthy ways resulting in a lack of trusting God’s faithfulness and goodness. Faith trust and expects the best scenarios that only God can provide! The Bible...